Upcoming Events Jul 28- Aug 3
Upcoming Events: July 28 – Aug 3
(this is a repost. there were broken links in the previous one)
Thank you so much for bearing with us during the site migration and upgrades. Pretty much everything went wrong that could. There will be some tweaking here and there, but, fingers crossed all the nonsense is behind now. As result of the shenanigans we couldn’t add any new events to the database, so we’ll be playing catch up. So, here’s what we have for this week.
The big show this week looks to be Drab Majesty at Mohawk. There’s a lot cool local action this week. If you’re into ska check out the Flamingo tonight and Kick Butt on Tuesday. If you’re into darkwave, death rock and post-punk EpiTAPh debuts at the 4th Tap on Friday. On Saturday, the Glass Coffin is celebrating their first anniversary with a goth pool party.
Sunday, July 28

Tuesday, July 30

- Pilfers + Stop The Presses + Hans Gruber & the Diehards
- Spellcraft: Defense Against Dark Magick
- CUT UP! ft. May Magdalene & Agatha Chthoo
Wednesday, July 31

Friday, August 2

Saturday, August 3