Smile Empty Soul, Lines of Loyalty, and Embers Rise

Come and Take It Live 2015 E Riverside Dr, Bldg 4, Austin, TX, United States

Come and Take It Productions presents...SMILE EMPTY SOULLINES OF LOYALTYEMBERS RISECome and Take It Live2015

Ra, Killakoi, and Scars Remain

Come and Take It Live 2015 E Riverside Dr, Bldg 4, Austin, TX, United States

Come and Take It Productions presents...RAKILLAKOISCARS REMAINCome and Take It Live2015 E Riverside DrBldg 4Austin,

Agent Orange, Worm Suicide and Half As Bad

Come and Take It Live 2015 E Riverside Dr, Bldg 4, Austin, TX, United States

Come and Take It Productions presents...AGENT ORANGEWORM SUICIDEHALF AS BADCome and Take It Live2015 E

Korpiklaani, Ensiferum, Trollfest, and Nini

Come and Take It Live 2015 E Riverside Dr, Bldg 4, Austin, TX, United States

Come and Take It Productions presents...KORPIKLAANI and ENSIFERUM: Folkfest of the NorthTROLLFESTNINICome and Take It

Traitors, Crown Magnetar, Yosemite in Black, and DGMA

Come and Take It Live 2015 E Riverside Dr, Bldg 4, Austin, TX, United States

Come and Take It Productions presents...TRAITORSCROWN MAGNETARYOSEMITE IN BLACKDGMACome and Take It Live2015 E Riverside