Nunslaughter, Demiser, Desolus, Sexcult

710 Red River St Austin, TX, United States

Nunslaughter returns to Austin!!$15 advanced/ $18 at the door11pm Nunslaughter Demiser Desolus Sexcultsexcultofficial.bandcamp.com21 and

Very Busy People, Marigold, After Aristotle, Hard Tiddies

Valhalla 710 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

9pm Hard Tiddies After Aristotle Marigold (formerly ByeBoys) Very Busy$10 cover21 and up

Hammer Flesh, ChiConMal, Pillager, Hollow Skulls

Valhalla 710 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

9pm Hollow Pillager ChiConMal Hammer Flesh$5 cover21 and up

Tiny, Mean Mistreater, Peth

Valhalla 710 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

9:30pm Peth Mean Mistreatermeanmistreater.bandcamp.com11:30pm Tiny$10 cover21 and up

Gather the Corners, Family of Fools, Mourning After, From the Threshold

Valhalla 710 Red River St, Austin, TX, United States

9pm From the Threshold Mourning After Family of Fools Gather the Corners$10 cover21 and up